Sunday, October 12, 2008

Just Pick One - Update

Good News!!! Cutting out late night snacking is working for me. I've started losing again. I'm at the stage where I have to struggle to lose weight (just like anyone else) and losing 2 pounds in 2 weeks is huge for me.

From your comments, I know that some of you are also making healthy changes, and I'm wondering how you're doing. Are you having success or difficulties? You know that a bathroom scale isn't the only way to measure success. It depends on what changes you've made. For example, this week I'm rejoining my church's choir group. To succeed I have to attend rehearsals during the week and mass on the weekends. You're success might be that you remembered to take vitamins or to use a smaller plate at dinner.

So please share your stories by leaving a comment. Tell us how it's going with the changes you've made. Have you remembered most days or forgotten and need to renew your efforts. Maybe you've added another healthy change to your life. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, big or small. The group is here to support you, and no one will judge you either way.

One last thing. If you've having problems, don't beat yourself up. That's a waste of energy. Instead, put that energy into starting again.

Can't wait to hear from you DAMN GOOD LOOKING LADIES.


Mary Ann said...

I think I need to add that going to choir rehearsals once a week and mass on the weekend is a real chore for me. I would rather be at home in front of the TV. But my children are grown and I have very little social interaction, and I recognize that being a recluse is not healthy. So it's off to church I go with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. OK, maybe it's not a real smile...but I'm trying!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Good for you Maryann! I think our society is turning a lot of us into recluses. It takes more effort to be friendly in this rushed world we live in. And most people don't make the effort. It's a chore for me just not to be negative! I know I am your project child. I am trying to live in a half full world.

Anonymous said...

I have been working to lose weight for a little over a year now. I am very HAPPY with where I am but I do want to keep going! I definitley give myself a cut off time of 7:30 at night for eating!!! After all this time it gets a little hard to stay focused and be good BUT I am trying to get back to that. My incentive is looking at the picture of "my man" and that gives me GREAT incentive!! Hang in there girls and keep working at it!!! I have finally hit the 80 lb mark!! YEAH!!

Mary Ann said...


I went to my second choir rehearsal last night...and I survived!! Getting my car to point in the direction of the church is the hard part. Once I'm there, I'm fine... I guess I should've bought a CHRIST-ler. HAHA