Monday, September 1, 2008


Hello ladies!!!

I'm so glad you're here!! This is my first ever attempt to be a blogger. I'm a little nervous, so bear with me. OK? I know that the majority of you (group members) are not bloggers, but I hope that you will venture outside of your comfort zone to visit often and leave lots of comments.

Can you believe how far our group has come in such a short time? We started out, a few months ago, as a few friends telling each other, daily, DAMN, YOU LOOK GOOD! (Via email of course) Back then I wasn't looking for more members. However, I soon found myself talking with a friend who dismissed a compliment about her beauty. When I asked why, she told me that she never felt pretty. I knew instantly that she must join our group. Similar scenes, with other ladies, happened over and over again. Each woman had an issue a little different then the next. Regardless if it was beauty, self confidence or whatever, I knew I had found someone who needed us as much as we needed her.

Which brings us to today. I'm so proud of each of you! You're ready to change the way you think. You're sharing your achievements and giving support and encouragement to each other. Of course, some of us are very vocal, but it's OK if you're not. What matters is that you're ready to believe that you are a beautiful, smart, strong woman!! Say it to yourself every day. Have you said it yet? Well do it now because….


Mrsmears9796 said...

You go girl. Today the midwest, tomorrow the WORLD! Damn, I look good today.

Mary Ann said...

Mrs Mears!!! You are the first!!! You're not only DAMN GOOD LOOKING, but you also ROCK!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Mary Ann! I am so proud of you and wish you much luck in your Blogging endeavor! This is just the beginning and by giving to the will attact many positive things...just watch!

Mary Ann said...

Ken was the one who encouraged me to start this blog. And he was right, this is a lot of fun! Thanks Ken, you're a good friend!!

Anonymous said...

Kenneth Fron let me know about your blog. I will definitely bookmark.
I think what you wrote about self-esteem is great, and something I need to practice more in daily life!
Best wishes,

Mary Ann said...

Hey Elena! Thanks for checking out my blog. That Ken is a good friend.
Read the new, welcome feature and let me know what you think. We are a slightly wacky but very supportive group. If that doesn't scare you away, I'd like to invite you to officially join. I've read many of your comments on Ken's blog and I think you would be a great addition to our group.

Please don't feel under any obligation. It's OK, if you're not interested.
Well think it over!!! :-)