Tuesday, January 20, 2009


As I type this, I'm listening to Obama's speech. His theme is..."A NEW ERA" That's how I feel about my life. This is a new era for me. It's the era of being the best I can be. I'm ready to get back on track and recommit myself to my health & happiness. YES, it's already the 20th day of the new year...but it's not too late!!! There's plenty of time to start the best year ever!

So What does that mean? For me, it's back to the gym. (I practically stopped in December.) Going to the gym is something that I really, really, really, truly hate. Unfortunately, if I want a new life I have to go. You will be as horrified as I was to know that my doctor told me to increase my work outs to 5-6 days a week... "THAT'S SO HARD!!!" I cried , but Dr Julie told me that it's easier to eat and not exercise. It's easy to gain weight, but it's not easy to live the way I was living before my operation. She's right. Back then I wasn't living. I was just existing. I was so miserable that I didn't even know it!!! Being huge and uncomfortable seemed normal to me, and I didn't know how horrible I felt. When I lost the weight I remembered what it was like to feel good!!! One thing I know is that I'm never going back to that misery. Is there something in your life that you want to change or improve? Well, like Jim Morrison said, "The time to hesitate is through." Now is our time to be the very best DAMN GOOD LOOKING WOMEN we can be!!!


Anonymous said...

Like your topic today. Its soo true. I keep saying I am going to do things and always come up with reason why I cant! I need to come up with reason why I can!


Mary Ann said...

I am the Queen of excuses.
-I'll start my diet when all the ice cream is gone.
-I can't exercise today because I have to work late, or my workout buddy won't be there today.
-I have to buy cookies, chips, & soda FOR MY GIRLS!!!
But you know what?
-The ice cream can go down the drain.
-I can workout late by myself
-Kids don't need to eat garbage!!! HA
The hardest part to realize is that excuses seem to be the reality of how things are, but they are lies that we tell ourselves. The truth is that if you can change the way you think, you can change your life.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you've come a long way! It's great to realize that you can change the way you think and the messages you give yourself everyday. It's those secure, realistic thoughts that create a more healthy reality. We all need to be sure to give ourselves credit for every little bit of progress we make, and not beat ourselves up too much about setbacks along the way.
My goals are to start doing yoga again to help calm my mind and feel in touch with my body. I want to be more helpful to others and develop new talents for my own enjoyment and enrichment without being so fearful. I need to feel more self-reliant and stop obsessing about certain things I don't like about myself.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mary Ann! Don't feel too bad. I have not been to the gym since the 1st week of December, either. The holidays were too hectic with decorating, cards, shopping, snow, snow and more ice and cold, get-to-gethers and more. I am hoping to go back this Saturday. I have a new CD to get to my iPod, I will bring reading material and I am going to get back into it!!!! P.S. I love, love, love THE DOORS and Jim Morrison!! How very cool you quoted him!!!!