Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Positive Attitude Could Change Your Life

Is negative thinking human nature or just a bad habit? I believe we are born with joy in our hearts, which would makes us naturally positive creatures. We learned to be negative from our family, friends, and the media. Most people don't realize when they are negative. It's so ingrained in us that negativity seems normal. Before I read The Secret I had no clue how negative I was. Even now I'll catch myself and I've been working really hard on maintaining a positive attitude. For example, when I heard that a local radio station was giving away $2,000 every hour, I thought, "why bother calling in, I'll never win." Some people might say I'm being realistic. REALISTIC? Is it realistic to expect the worst from life? The reality is that we have no idea what the future holds. Anything can happen, so why not expect the best?

Are you familiar with the term "self fulfilling prophecy?" The definition of a self fullfilling prophecy is: "A prediction that, by being voiced, causes itself to come true." My attitude towards the radio contest was a self fulfilling prophecy. I said it was impossible. I believed it, therefore I didn't call and VOILA...it came true. I didn't win. The words have power because we believe them to be true. We then alter our actions to follow our beliefs. A person stating “I’m probably going to have a lousy day,” may unconsciously alter his actions so that the prediction is fulfilled by his actions.

The self fullfilling prophecy is usually equated with negative outcomes, but why not the opposite? If a negative statement can result in a negative outcome then it follows that a positive statement can result in a positive outcome. AND that is how a positive attitude could change your life. Start by changing negative thoughts and comments into positive ones. Plant good thoughts! As you plant more and more good thoughts, the negative thoughts will be wiped out. Bad habits are hard to break, so you're bound to have negative thoughts. Don't focus on them, just deliberately think good thoughts every day. The more you do it the easier it becomes, the better you feel and suddenly you realize that good things are happening all the time.

When I think about what I want, I think about my finances. My mantra is "I want
to be debt free." Now here's the tricky part. On the surface, that sounds positive, however, the word "debt" is negative. I'm walking around saying debt, debt, debt, debt, debt. I'm thinking debt, debt, debt. You know what I have? You guessed it!! I have debt, debt, debt. So the positive statement is "I want prosperity and abundance." OK, that's a phrase used in The Secret. A simpler statement is "I want more money," or "I want a lot more money." HA!

Try this:
- Think about what you want or need.
- Examine the words you use. Are any of them negative words like debt, don't or can't?
- If yes, then restate what you want using only positive words. Change the focus from what you don't want to what you want.
- Say it out loud. Repeat often.
- Write it down and tape it to your computer screen, then read it out loud every time you look at it.

When you catch yourself making negative statements, stop and reword it. I'm positive that DAMN GOOD LOOKING LADIES can do it.

Click the link for more info on The Secret.
