Friday, October 24, 2008

Just Because It Comes In Your Size Doesn't Mean You Should Wear It.

A friend/coworker recently came to work wearing a man's golf shirt. The shoulders were at least 3" too big. I try to only comment on the positive, but I couldn't help myself!!! I just had to ask her, "Why?!!!"
"Because," she relied, "women's golf shirts don't fit." I pointed out that this man's shirt didn't fit either. Her reasoning: in order for the shirt to fit her hips it had to be 2 sizes too big in the shoulders.

This got me thinking how many times I've been guilty of the very same logic. Like many women, I have difficulty finding clothes that fit. Pants that fit my hips are too big in the waist. Tops that fit my shoulders are usually too small in stomach/hip area. Countless times I've bought something just because I could drape it over my largest asset. :-)

Which brings me to recommend another style TV show. Tim Gunn's Guide to Style on the Bravo channel. Tim is the Chief Creative Officer for Liz Claiborne, but he is best known as a style guru on Project Runway. One thing that Tim tells his clients is to be more discerning when shopping. Don't buy everything just because you can. Instead buy only the items that look great on you. No one can afford to buy clothes that don't fit and don't look great when worn. What this means is that I may try on 50 things, but only buy 1.

More tips from Tim.
- Whatever you're style, Dress for the body you have, not the one you may have next month or year.
- Don't hang on to items that you don't wear. If you haven't worn it in the last year, get rid of it! (I think 18-24 months is more reasonable)
- Don't hang on to items that don't fit.

Wow, that last one is tough. Most women have several sizes of clothes to accommodate their up & down weight patterns. So maybe you don't have to throw everything out, but use a critical eye to thin out the excess.

You can click here to visit Tim Gunn's Guide to Style website. Once there you can learn about his 10 essential wardrobe items, watch whole episodes or even play some fashion games. Click here for the Do or Don't game. Check it out and have some fun.

WHAT? You're wondering why I'm obsessed with style shows? Well...a TV show will not make anyone beautiful. Besides, we already are DAMN GOOD LOOKING WOMEN. What these shows can do is educate women on how to accentuate and compliment their natural beauty. So go forth into the world and let your beauty shine!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Just Pick One - Update

Good News!!! Cutting out late night snacking is working for me. I've started losing again. I'm at the stage where I have to struggle to lose weight (just like anyone else) and losing 2 pounds in 2 weeks is huge for me.

From your comments, I know that some of you are also making healthy changes, and I'm wondering how you're doing. Are you having success or difficulties? You know that a bathroom scale isn't the only way to measure success. It depends on what changes you've made. For example, this week I'm rejoining my church's choir group. To succeed I have to attend rehearsals during the week and mass on the weekends. You're success might be that you remembered to take vitamins or to use a smaller plate at dinner.

So please share your stories by leaving a comment. Tell us how it's going with the changes you've made. Have you remembered most days or forgotten and need to renew your efforts. Maybe you've added another healthy change to your life. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad, big or small. The group is here to support you, and no one will judge you either way.

One last thing. If you've having problems, don't beat yourself up. That's a waste of energy. Instead, put that energy into starting again.

Can't wait to hear from you DAMN GOOD LOOKING LADIES.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What Are You Grateful For?

Thinking positive comes naturally to some, but for most it's not so easy. To adopt a positive attitude You have to control your thoughts. You have to learn to change the way you think, and you have to be willing to approach life in a different way. The good news is that there are exercises to help develop a positive attitude. Even better news is that saying DAMN, I LOOK GOOD TODAY means you've already made a start!!

So today's exercise is to remember to be grateful. Every morning, as you're getting out of bed, think about what you're grateful for. Say it out loud. Start a gratitude list, write it down. Keep adding to it as new things come to mind.

Here's the start to my Gratitude List.



What you need to do right now is leave a comment with some of the things that you're grateful for. Don't be shy!!

FYI. If you are interested in learning more about positive thinking, I recommend a book called The Secret. Click here to go to The Secret's website.